New Site Launched!
Well, it finally happened, didn't it? The old rottentater.com has come back online, and it's been smashed together with the blog that hasn't been updated since LAST APRIL...
First off, I have a couple of people to thank for all the help in getting this new site off the ground and for making the original site possible:
- Isaac Goodin for introducing me to Ghost and helping me learn some S/CSS, Handlebars, and other web dev stuff to make the new site.
- Jake Ruesch for building the original Rotten Tater site and the suteF microsite that have been live for almost 5 years! Thank you for your service, sites!
- Paul Johann and the Graphic Design/Game Development Department of Herzing University, Madison, who provided server space for the Rotten Tater site these past 5 years, and I'm eternally grateful for their assistance in this matter as well as my Game Development degree.
- Raphael Riegger for the Minimalistic Blog Theme that this site is based on and expanded upon.
Other Business
So you may notice that I'm sorta going by "Terra" on here. I'm not 100% certain that I'm going to stick with this name, but it is my number one choice at the moment. You should still use female pronouns if you need to refer to me anywhere, but if you want to use "rotten_tater" in the mean time, I would prefer it over Ted for now.

If you haven't heard, either, I've gone full time solo-dev, and my first commericial game is going to be a sequel/followup to Thunder Gun! Shit is honestly starting to get real, and I'm working my ass off to make this whole dream work.
Games Page and Site Maintanence
One big difference between this site and the old one is that it's fully powered by a relatively new blogging platform called Ghost. What makes this interesting is the fact that I need to make full fledged content pages for the games, but theoretically, this will be easier for any new game I release (mostly because I won't have to add 10 backlogged games, ha).
So as it stands now, the only way to view any of my games is to visit my Game Jolt profile.[1]
Another thing you're going to notice: there's going to be lots of missing images in the posts. As a function of migrating the blog, image data gets de-linked and all that, so I'm going to be going through and fixing these issues.
And on the same note, it's also worth mentioning that there are going to be LOTS of dead links to things revolving around my site. I've had the bad habit of hosting some images and random things within some crazy sub folders because some of the things I worked on predated nice services that have essentially wiped out the need to host them myself.[2]
So, in parting, it's worth noting my lack-luster attempts to keep things running and doing the marketing I oh-so-still-need-to-deliver-on, I want to make a new, 2015 commitment as follows:
For the sake of making my own small-business and my dream of making games that I want to make and that you guys want to play, I need to keep my shit together and do the nail-biting, tooth-pulling work of maintaining an open development and actually write on this blog, post important info and pretty pictures, and MARKET FOR GOD'S SAKE.
But if you know me, I've not died at least once before, too, so we'll see how well I keep to this...
Editor's Notes, 2020
[1]: Beginning with the latest iteration of the website, games are now starting to be added to the games page!
[2]: Redirect links were previously mentioned in this section of the article, but they never really worked, and since it's been a long time since the first redesign, any dead links have been dead for a long time.