Thunder Gun Videos
As work on Thunder Gun: Revenge of the Mutants nears Beta, I thought it would be cool to assemble all of the newest TG:RotM videos in one place!
I made this first video for my [IndieCade](http://www.indiecade.com/) [submission](https://twitter.com/rotten_tater/status/605626569353129984), since they recommended you have a video to help judges understand your game. It also ended up being a pretty good gameplay video that shows a lot of the new features in *TG:RotM,* such as the Sub-Machine Gun's unique "streak only breaks on taking damage," streak saves, extra mutant states, 5-Minute Mode, changing Health Pack spawn rates, and more! While working on the Silo map, I wanted to do a time lapse to show how much of a pain in the butt it is to actually make these maps (a reason why there will only be 2 maps at release). There's a hint to a secret in there if you're observant. ;) The oldest of the three, this video shows the delicate dance that is fighting two of the powerful Fat Mutant Cat-o-Ninetails at the same time. The scoring presented here has since been refined.If you also couldn't tell, I'm going to be referring to the "New Thunder Gun" as Thunder Gun: Revenge of the Mutants or TG:RotM for short. Things are exciting, and I'm hoping to have the game ready for a Beta test in a couple of weeks! Wish me luck! :)